School Readiness

We are committed to helping to prepare each child to become life-long learners. Engaging children in learning and exploring throughout their time at Saint Maroun’s Preschool.

Often parents are concerned with the cognitive development of their child, i.e. learning the alphabet, numbers, writing their name etc. Our cognitive experiences are introduced with a balance of child initiated and teacher orientated experiences.

Our program works on developing a strong sense of identity, where children are connected with and contribute to their world, have a strong sense of wellbeing, are confident and involved learners, and are effective communicators. This holistic approach develops the child as a whole while also developing the skills needed for starting primary school.

Our educators provide learning experience’s based on children’s interests to help each child to develop these skills and abilities. We acknowledge the fact that children grow in predictable stages, yet, each child goes through each particular developmental stage at his/her own pace.

Therefore, it is appropriate to treat each child as an individual, and plan for them as individuals in a group setting.

We encourage children to become independent, and allow them to direct their own learning.

Through this we are able to connect children with our centre through belonging, being and becoming.

Watch our centre tour
Head office:
0450 202 727